jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Indy music

As an student, I travel a lot in the public transportation. Inside the buses I got to coexist with a lot of noisy people that stress me a lot. For that problem I have a beautiful solution: Grab my cellphone, put my headphones and listen to my favourite music.

That nice sounds block all the voices of people that I don't want to see, so I close my eyes and wait for the moment when I have to get down the bus.

I don't enjoy the music of the bigger bands, I like to listen independent and smaller ones who are not so famous, even in their countrys. They are very talented but don't have the recognition of the bigger. The good thing is that the popularity of music festival gives them the chance to gain more fame.

I like a lot the style of the Indy bands because their music have fewer instruments and sounds a lot more clean than the ones who got many of them.

2 comentarios:

  1. I like indy band too! maybe someday we can hear music together. bye

  2. I like the indy music too, but I think that recently this style turned so popular and is more a commercial thing that musical.
